
Product Name: Connecteam
Summary Description of Product: Ensure workers are on-time and on-site with a GPS construction time clock.
All the tools to easily manage your crews and keep your projects on schedule, on budget, safe, and compliant – from the office or on-site.
Streamline time keeping and payroll without room for time theft, rounded hours, or payroll errors.
Ensure smooth operations with robust scheduling, reporting, and communication tools.
Stay on top of safety, risks, and compliance within your company.
Works with QuickBooks and Gusto and many other payroll systems.
Categories Product Covers: Daily Logs, Incident Reporting, Task Management, Timesheets, APPs for Construction
Target Customers: Building Owner, Data and Cabling, Design Build Residential, Design Build Commercial, Earthwork/Excavating, Electrical, Finish Contractor, General Contractor, Government Contractor, Heavy and Highway, Home Builder Custom, Home Builder Production, Home Remediation and REO, Home Remodeling, Landscaping, Masonry and Stone, Mechanical HVAC, Paving, Plumbing, Roofing and Siding, Utility Contractor, Other Specialty Contractor
Targe size of customer service: 1 to 5 Employees, 6 to 10 Employees, 11 to 20 Employees, 21 to 50 Employees, 51 to 100 Employees, 501 to 1000 Employees, More than 1000 Employees
Deployment Methods Offered: Cloud
Markets served: United States, Canada
Describe Pricing Plan: $0 to $99 per monrh
Describe Demo or test drive program Free to Try
Customer Testimonials: 
Mattest Materials Testing uses Connecteam to streamline daily processes & increase efficiency

Everything runs more streamlined now that we have one solution to handle all our daily processe

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